FBC Bowie, in its April 2014 Quarterly Business Meeting, determined to become a Champion Church for strengthening the work of the Baptist Seminary (a pastor training facility) in Guatemala. Our efforts are a partnered work with Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Fort Worth.

Making this decision involves the church in a plan of providing resources for agreed upon projects, and for sending Pastor Mike Henson to teach short-term pastor training courses. Additionally, volunteer church members are involved in evangelistic, discipleship and benevolence-like ministries in Guatemala.

This is a tremendous opportunity that the Lord has presented to us. Our church can have an impact for the Gospel that will only be measured in eternity.

What can I do? 

Prepare to become involved.
Here are ways you will be able to participate:

  • Pray

  • Give

  • Support with resources, i.e. books, computers, etc.

  • Go: mission trips for evangelism, medical aid, construction, leadership training, community outreach, etc.

Many people are responding to the Gospel in unprecedented numbers in Guatemala, Southern Mexico and Central America. In light of this historic response, there are countless communities with no evangelical church and innumerable pastors with very little training, if any at all. This partnered opportunity affords us a great challenge of training pastors and lay leaders for ministry in these countries.

This exciting commitment allows us to impact a legacy of ministry through the pastors. It’s like going to the very source of a stream and pouring sound Biblical doctrine into the river at its starting point. It will touch every area it flows through for generations. We feel there may be no more effective way to touch Guatemala, Southern Mexico and Central America with a pure and correct presentation of the Gospel.
— Bro. Mike