FBC Bowie, in its April 2014 Quarterly Business Meeting, determined to become a Champion Church for strengthening the work of the Baptist Seminary (a pastor training facility) in Guatemala. Our efforts are a partnered work with Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Fort Worth.
Making this decision involves the church in a plan of providing resources for agreed upon projects, and for sending Pastor Mike Henson to teach short-term pastor training courses. Additionally, volunteer church members are involved in evangelistic, discipleship and benevolence-like ministries in Guatemala.
This is a tremendous opportunity that the Lord has presented to us. Our church can have an impact for the Gospel that will only be measured in eternity.
What can I do?
Prepare to become involved.
Here are ways you will be able to participate:
Support with resources, i.e. books, computers, etc.
Go: mission trips for evangelism, medical aid, construction, leadership training, community outreach, etc.